miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2015

Look like 90's

Hola chicas! Los 90's están de regreso, y recuerdo la moda de esos tiempos: Pantalones anchos, el grunge de Nirvana con Kurt Cobain, las gargantillas choker, overalls, los crop tops, y a mi me encanta! ¿Recuerdan esas series o películas que reflejaban a la perfección ese estilo? Salvados por la campana, Clueless, Friends, La Niñera, Sex and the City, y así la lista podría seguir. Las super modelos que reinaban las pasarelas, Naomi, Linda, Cindy, Christy,  aquellas que no se levantaban de la cama por menos de 10,000 dólares diarios.

Hello girls!! The 90's are back, and I remember the fashion of this years: Big jeans, the Nirvana's grunge, the choker necklace, overalls, the croped tops and I love it! ¿Do you remeber all those series or movies like Saved by the Bell, Clueless, Friends, The Nanny, Sex and the City? And the list can go on. All those super models, Naomi, Linda, Cindy, Christy, she dont' wake up for less than 10,000 dollars.

First Date Looks: 10 Clothes And Accessories For ’90s Grunge Inspired Style | Gurl.com 

I mean look at these matching separates! | 27 Reasons Nanny Fine Is Your '90s Style Icon 

Vintage Vogue Covers  Super fresh faced Healthy models of the past.  PattyOnSite 

Some trends just never die. We picked the best 90's fads that continue to inspire us today. 

90´s fashion. Kate & Naomi 

LOVE her - she can pull of any look :: meh Gwen Stefani | My Stylist Says 

this look is back and I have always loved it, whether it is "in" or not. 

Cher's 12 Best Looks From Clueless - Cher's "Most Capable" Outfit from #InStyle

Ripped jeans enjoyed a fashion moment in the the 90s. Here's the late Kurt Cobain modelling a great grunge look. All he needs is an oversized cardi or plaid shirt... 

in the nineties.  I could not decide whether to stick this in fash or rad... 

 Liv Tyler is my inspiration for Blodeuedd "Lodi", in my series Bad Faeries, book 5.

Nací en los 80's, pero fui criada en los 90's y fue tan rad esa década.

I was born in 80's but raised in 90's and that decade is so rad

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8 comentarios:

  1. yo también! no pensé que volverían tantas modas raras pero ya las traigo puestas :/ jaja! un beso!


  2. Ahhh 90s! So much memories, colorful days!

  3. Que recuerdos!!me ha encnatado!!besos

  4. siii a miel rollo crop top y vaquero me encantaaaaaa!!!! genial guapa! qa recuerdos jijijii muak

  5. Such a cool post..so inspiring!
    Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog!

    Evi xoxo

    The Notebook of a Fashion Lover

  6. Oh, I remember that chocker necklaces, personally I had one or even two :) Would you like to follow each other via GFC? Let me know and I'll follow you back ASAP :)



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